Blue Monday 12 13 10

Lingerie, underwear, Victoria's Secret, Fashion Show,  2010,  Heloise Guerin, blue, bra, bikini, panties, PINK, Mentos,

You may remember seeing this particular blue (but PINK) bra and panty set during this year's Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. Worn by France's Heloise Guerin, it's a bit of product placement. For of all things, Mentos. No, really:

Still, best Mentos experiment since this one.

My girlfriend and I were discussing this during the show.

frank: Maybe next year they can get a candy that comes in a clear wrapper?
her, not missing a beat: Only if they move the show to HBO or Pay-Per-View.

And you wonder why I keep trying to get her to write guest posts for fufL?