'A dress makes no sense unless it inspires men to want to take it off you.' -Françoise Sagan

Lingerie underwear Katherine Heigl dress coming open blue lace bra panties Knocked Up movie Grey's Anatomy

Katherine Heigl of Grey's Anatomy stars in the movie that opened #2 this past weekend. Give her a break; it was up against Pirates III, so #2 and $29 million bucks is not shabby. The movie? Knocked Up, which one could find one's self if she looks like Ms. Heigl and falls out of dresses as nicely as she does.

From the Internet Movie Database:

USA Weekend Box-Office Summary
week of 1 June 2007
Rank--------Title------------------------Gross: ThisWeek--Total
1 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End------$43.2M---$217.0M
2 Knocked Up------------------------------------$29.3M----$29.3M
3 Shrek the Third-------------------------------$26.7M---$255.0M

While I'm happy for Ms. Heigl, I'm also happy this reminded me I'd been meaning to post this above picture of Ms. Heigl for sometime, along with he above fitting quote.
This fall, it's back to Grey's (most probably; with all you hear about that show, place your bets). Her next movie?
Something called 27 Dresses.