You may have noticed a lot of news out of the U.K. this weekend. Unless a certain new bride is found to have purchased something from this brand, they probably won't be included in the millions of words, but the attention did remind me I've long wanted to do a post on the U.K.'s Ell & Cee.
Notice I didn't say 'lingerie brand'. They've expanded into other items as well, but they started with beautiful lingerie, and happily haven't left it.
I suspect Ell & Cee = the L&C in their founder's name, Laura Cloke. Read more of the story here on their website.
I don't know if it's a British charm or just the classic/vintage look of their designs, but if you were to try and describe typical beautiful lingerie, coming up with any of their sets would work well. They also seem to have a knack for using lace and sheerness.
Check their website
Facebook page
or follow Ell & Cee in twitter