reese witherspoon vogue november 2008 cover jpg
Reese Witherspoon for US Vogue November 2008 Reese Witherspoon with her deep blue eyes is on the November 2008 cover of US Vogue Inside her looks are stunningly pictured around Paris Reese Witherspoon tells the story of finding her Oscar outfit becoming the quintessential Nina Ricci woman and even about her family and her boyfriend Jake Gyllenhaal The actress told she
skinny jeans1 jpg
Together with high stilettos skinny jeans put great pressure on the femoral cutaneous nerve that runs through the thigh As a result ladies often feel tingling and burning through the leg The affliction has already been named as tingling thigh syndrome A woman who developed the one said It felt really strange it felt like my leg had gone to sleep
lara stone vogue uk january 2010 9
model She isn t skinny at all and her curves seem attractive for millions of men all over the world not mentioning women who adore her shape much more than those of zero size models Lara knows her power and uses it all the time showing how much woman s beauty can do Lara has been the cover girl for British Vogue in December and according to the recent news she graces