Dress up your next newsletter, brochure, or presentation with selections from Snap! 10,000 Photos, the expansive CD-ROM that brings a gallery of photography to a desktop near you. Conveniently arranged in alphabetical folders, the images run the gamut from Fireworks to Fruit & Veggies, Animals to Architecture - all accessible for preview with a click of the mouse, making Snap! 10,000 Photos the ultimate software scrapbook! Features: 61 Category Folders from Agriculture to Winter Thousands of Full-color PhotosSnap!Turn daily challenges into everyday solutions with Snap! Software. Let Snap! help you explore new topics with your PC. With great products at great prices, it\'s a Snap! System Requirements for Windows: Pentium II or later Windows 95 and higher 32MB RAM 20MB HD CD-ROM drive Graphics application that support JPEG files Mouse
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photo gallery SNAP! 10,000 Photos (Jewel Case)

Dress up your next newsletter, brochure, or presentation with selections from Snap! 10,000 Photos, the expansive CD-ROM that brings a gallery of photography to a desktop near you. Conveniently arranged in alphabetical folders, the images run the gamut from Fireworks to Fruit & Veggies, Animals to Architecture - all accessible for preview with a click of the mouse, making Snap! 10,000 Photos the ultimate software scrapbook! Features: 61 Category Folders from Agriculture to Winter Thousands of Full-color PhotosSnap!Turn daily challenges into everyday solutions with Snap! Software. Let Snap! help you explore new topics with your PC. With great products at great prices, it\'s a Snap! System Requirements for Windows: Pentium II or later Windows 95 and higher 32MB RAM 20MB HD CD-ROM drive Graphics application that support JPEG files Mouse

Dress up your next newsletter, brochure, or presentation with selections from Snap! 10,000 Photos, the expansive CD-ROM that brings a gallery of photography to a desktop near you. Conveniently arranged in alphabetical folders, the images run the gamut from Fireworks to Fruit & Veggies, Animals to Architecture - all accessible for preview with a click of the mouse, making Snap! 10,000 Photos the ultimate software scrapbook! Features: 61 Category Folders from Agriculture to Winter Thousands of Full-color PhotosSnap!Turn daily challenges into everyday solutions with Snap! Software. Let Snap! help you explore new topics with your PC. With great products at great prices, it\'s a Snap! System Requirements for Windows: Pentium II or later Windows 95 and higher 32MB RAM 20MB HD CD-ROM drive Graphics application that support JPEG files Mouse