Achieve voluptuous hips with this lite control capri panty. It is made with hosiery fabric with natural hevea front panel to smooth your lower abdomen, hips and thighs. A classic shape made by this shapewear makes a woman look vibrant in anything she wears.
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Achieve voluptuous hips with this lite control capri panty. It is made with hosiery fabric with natural hevea front panel to smooth your lower abdomen, hips and thighs. A classic shape made by this shapewear makes a woman look vibrant in anything she wears.

Achieve voluptuous hips with this lite control capri panty. It is made with hosiery fabric with natural hevea front panel to smooth your lower abdomen, hips and thighs. A classic shape made by this shapewear makes a woman look vibrant in anything she wears.