A cheap excuse for an underwear and lingerie site to sell more underwear and lingerie? Meh; could be, but who cares? As frankufotos Lingerie demonstrated last year, National Underwear Day also provides them an excuse to have people who are clearly made to wear underwear do it in public in New York City's Times Square.
So, if you haven't had a good reason to go out and get something new for under whatever drabness you may have to wear at work or classes, here's your chance.
Just make sure you get to compare it with another special celebrant's of the day later.
Much thanks to photographer Linus Gelber, who has happened by a few past celebrations of National Underwear Day in New York (there's a hell of an excuse for an early lunch..) and allowed fufL the kind use of some of his photos (above). Check out his flickr photostream for a wide variety of interesting works. The pics below are from the official National Underwear Day site.
It's supposed to be 88 degrees and Partly Sunny for this year's event. At least the lady isn't be overdressed for the heat. Those photographing her may have more problems than needing sunblock, though..
They have 'changing tents' if you'd like to try on a new pair of underwear. The above member of the Working Press I'm sure is just in the midst of fact-finding with the model in his boxers.. um, is that a camera in her hand..?
The gentleman flanked by some of the lovely models and lingerie of the day above is Michael Kleinmann, the president of Freshpair.com and co-originator of National Underwear Day. If you ever run across this man, you owe him at the very least a Guinness , if not a year's supply of Guinness.