Happy Labor Day 2008 From frankufotosLingerie

Instead of the usual Blue Mondays -which will return next week- have something a little more in keeping with a Labor Day Weekend theme, even if it comes at the end of a three-day weekend in the U.S.:

Although not technically featuring lingerie, Michael Gray's The Weekend seems close enough in spirit to it, as well as a relief from work.. speaking of which, the Gray fan behind this Sims 2 version must have done a fair share of work to come up with something this cool and close to the original:

And, since they're only pixels, I'll let you decide if they're wearing pixel lingerie or not. Then again, coming full circle, and back to Mr. Gray- if you want a video definitely featuring some black bras, bikini panties and stockings, enjoy his video (with featured vocals by Shelly Poole, Borderline :

Enjoy, and Happy Labor Day from frankufotos Lingerie!