As of this post's date, if you go to, you end up at mobile provider To those who've contacted frankufotos Lingerie or posted elsewhere asking, I'm sorry to say I don't have an answer for you.
Here's what I posted in answer to one comment asking for information: I was hoping for some positive news before I posted anything, but I guess if it will be coming, it won't be anytime soon. I'd checked Bilko's site near the end of August (I think) and it was gone. His photobucket accounts as well. I don't know him well, except as a fan, but I sent an email. So far, it's gone unanswered.
If he doesn't mind my sharing a response, if I hear anything, I'll post it. Obviously, the net's loss. As with another late, lamented site, I'm leaving the link up in hopes he'll return someday.
The photos in this post, of course, are all Bilkoscans.