Lingerie: Plain or Fancy?

Lingerie, underwear, white, black, lace, bra, thong, panties, Bilkoscans,

Writing on, St. Louis Post Dispatch Fashion columnist Debra Bass wonders, Do men and women agree on sexy lingerie?

Lingerie, underwear, Bravissimo, Seamfree, white, bra, panties, hipster, briefs, Bilkoscans

Here's the comment I left:
My girlfriend and I are both very much into underwear and lingerie (so to speak).

She’s been building and extensive lingerie collection, and I probably have a larger collection of mens underwear than most guys. Reading over the responses, the one about lingerie ‘establishing that sex is on the table’ never really occurred to me. I guess if a particular woman rarely wears it, that might be the case, though.

I’ve long had a theory that it’s not necessarily the lingerie that makes the girl ’sexy’; it’s The Girl that makes the lingerie sexy. My girlfriend can make a plain white cotton set sexier than something from Vicky’s, though she says she feels better on days she has something special on under whatever clothes she’s wearing, even if no one else will see it.

As far as a man fearing being called a pig for buying something trashy; unless she wants something ‘trashy’, it’s best not to buy her something like that. My suggestion: shop together for something for her. If she feels like she’s got an unattractive, uncomfortable costume on, I can’t imagine it does much for her mood, nor should you expect it to. There’s an early seen in the Melanie Griffith/Harrison Ford movie ‘Working Girl’ that shows exactly what I mean. I’d guess not so funny in real life.

That's what I said; what would you say, and how what choices would you make on the article's poll? Click here and have your say. (Of course, I'd appreciate it if you'd cut and paste a copy of those comments and post them here on fufL as well.

BTW, The two examples above from the fantastic Bilkoscan website.