So far, my girlfriend has not dragged me to see Sex And The City: The Movie (me thinks she may wish a ladies night on the town with some friends for that one). But we did see - and enjoy - Made Of Honor with Patrick Dempsey and the above-and-below-pictured Michelle Monaghan. Not becuase it wasn't a knock-off of My Best Friend's Wedding; it pretty much was.. with far more plot holes through which one could drive a Mack truck.
However, it did have a great relationship with the lead characters, and when they weren't trying to be cute but show them as compatible best friends, we did get a kick out of seeing stuff and fun conversations that might have been from our own lives. I will say it managed to find a better way to get the leading lady down to her lingerie than the fun-but-gratuitous shot of Julia Roberts' character in Wedding.
Alhough I haven't seen Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, I understand Ms. Monaghan is far less attired in it than in Honor. Even if she wasn't, based on her performance in Honor, and the photos here, I wouldn't mind seeing more of her in the future.