Now in its fourth edition, Calculus reflects the strong consensus within the mathematics community for a balance between contemporary and traditional ideas. Building on previous work, it brings together the best of both new and traditional curricula in an effort to meet the needs of instructors and students alike. The text exhibits the same strengths from earlier editions including the Rule of Four, an emphasis on modeling, exposition that is easy to understand, and a flexible approach to technology.
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David McCallum Calculus: Single Variable

Now in its fourth edition, Calculus reflects the strong consensus within the mathematics community for a balance between contemporary and traditional ideas. Building on previous work, it brings together the best of both new and traditional curricula in an effort to meet the needs of instructors and students alike. The text exhibits the same strengths from earlier editions including the Rule of Four, an emphasis on modeling, exposition that is easy to understand, and a flexible approach to technology.

Now in its fourth edition, Calculus reflects the strong consensus within the mathematics community for a balance between contemporary and traditional ideas. Building on previous work, it brings together the best of both new and traditional curricula in an effort to meet the needs of instructors and students alike. The text exhibits the same strengths from earlier editions including the Rule of Four, an emphasis on modeling, exposition that is easy to understand, and a flexible approach to technology.