While you could make a case that a Wonderbra billboard in 3-D is redundant, Wonderbra claims it's the perfect way to give you the full effect of their new Full Effect bra. Luckily, you only need special glasses to view the billboard outside of London's Waterloo Station featuring Brazilian model Sabraine Banado. In real life, we understand the bra works in 3-D without any other props.. so to speak..
Wonderbra's Full Effect In 3-D
While you could make a case that a Wonderbra billboard in 3-D is redundant, Wonderbra claims it's the perfect way to give you the full effect of their new Full Effect bra. Luckily, you only need special glasses to view the billboard outside of London's Waterloo Station featuring Brazilian model Sabraine Banado. In real life, we understand the bra works in 3-D without any other props.. so to speak..
Full Effect,
Lingerie underwear,