Blue Monday 3 29 10

Lingerie, underwear, Karen Gillan, blue, thong, panties, white, open blouse, redhead, Doctor Who, Amy Pond, Blue Monday, fufL,

The new series of the longest-running Science Fiction TV show in the world, Doctor Who debuts soon; next weekend in the U.K., April 17th and 18th in the U.S., Canada and Australia. While the big news is actor Matt Smith taking over the role of The Doctor from the hugely popular David Tennant, there's also a new companion, played by actress Karen Gillan. If you've seen any of the photos from the set and thought her character's skirts were a bit brief, enjoy her entry in fufL's Blue Monday with the above photo. As much as it may make the show's already astronomical ratings soar, I don't think we'll be seeing Amy Pond undressed quite that way anytime soon.

Karen Gillan, Matt Smith, filming, Doctor Who, outdoors,

By the way - Congratulations to Treacle, purveyor of Confessions of a Lingerie Addict on celebrating her blog's 2nd anniversary this week!