Katherine Heigl's new romantic comedy, The Ugly Truth, co-starring 300's Gerard Butler opens in the U.S. this Friday.
Guy presumed to be neanderthal slob meets stuck-up prig of a girl, teaches her to loosen up to get a guy.. gee, what do you think comes next in that plot?
Simple. He gets her down to her panties. Well, maybe not that simple. Then again, Ms. Heigl's character does seem to have a wardrobe malfunction at one point during an evening out..
How would you like to be the actor to our right in the background of the scene? 'Hey, we had a sound glitch, let's re-shoot your skirt coming off and flashing your knickers to the world for a 14th take, OK?' How much did he have to pay to be on that set?
I actually read a reference or two on-line where some thought her undies looked like granny panties. I'd beg to differ. It does make you wonder, though: would her character be more comfortable if she were deskirted and were wearing a bit more fabric below, or even more embarrassed that it wasn't a red or black lace thong, instead? Feel free to discuss in the Comments..
BTW, if the scene seems familiar, similar idea with Jessica Alba in Good Luck Chuck, much? Must be a an every-day, real-life occurrence? Again, any similar stories are welcome in the Comments..
To add insult to injury, was her valet ticket in the skirt pocket? (And, I'm not sure of the movie's setting, but only $3.50 for valet parking in a major city? Really?) I love the look she shoots to the camera in the last shot, though.
You can check out the movie's official site here.