Sim-Wise is:
A) Someone who's worn out several hard drives and eaten up all available memory playing Sim City/The Sims.
B) A character in LOTR.
C) A rather ravishing redhead who you may see on late-night TV in the U.K. or on the net doing really strangely funny stuff.
If you cheated (or just clicked on the first link in this post) you'll know the correct answer is C. Alexandra Sim-Wise was a FHM Magazine's 'Student of The Year' for 2004, where she got to do this lovely Lingerie Buyer's Guide:
'Hi, I'm Alex Sim-Wise, and I'm from the moon'
Next, she was Playboy U.K.'s Cyber Girl of 2006 (juuuust guessing there's nudity at that link). All of this may pale in comparison to her project for, In Bed With Sim-Wise (alas, no nudity, just wholesome strangeness):
I'll do a separate post someday as to how I was made aware of Ms. Sim-Wise, but I will tell you I was surfing for something else, and was eventually lead to her MySpace page. After laughing my ass off for several minutes reading it, my girlfriend had to ask what was so damn funny. So I showed her. She proceeded to laugh her ass off as well. I'd say it's not for everyone, probably funnier than In Bed With Sim-Wise, and you will need at least a half hour you can waste uninterrupted to read it if it (as a stereotypical Brit might say ) suits your fancy. You'll definitely fancy Sim-Wise. And not just because she looks fantastic in lingerie.