Have you ever seen a picture of a stranger who reminds you of someone close to you, and yet they're so similar you have to do a double-take?

I don't know who she is. But if my girlfriend had a close-to-twin sister, it's her.
Just imagine the hair slightly darker blonde -actually, a real-life-no-dye combination of blonde, red and some black strands (!)- and down to her shapely ass. The eyes are so very close, but it think my gf's are more.. unique. She's probably also a little taller than this young lady (5' 8 1/2", for the record), but she looks like she could've played mix-and-match in my girlfriend's lingerie drawer. (She must have missed all the Vicky's). And my girlfriend wouldn't get that much of a tan if you paid her.
I should point out, though I may be biased,
no one else can match the original, who, I'm proud to say, graduated from college this past weekend with quite the flying colors.