above: The Grand Finale and final bow.
I do believe there may suddenly be more of a demand for Tartan lingerie ensembles.

True story? Only because I have a couple of flannel boxers that would pass for Tartan designs, my girlfriend's curves were ahead of the curve. She bought some Tartan -looking bras and panties that sort-of match last winter.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

So, a couple VS designers are taking lunch outdoors by a street of brownstones with wrought iron fences in front of them one day.. (hey- IDK, it could have been designed that way):

They've been taking (it) off for years; might as well look the part..

You've often wondered how Vicky's decides who gets the honor of filling the year's diamond bra? Maybe if your shoe comes off earlier in the evening, you don't trip and keep on smiling as Karolina Kurkova did it's yours (for all we know it is. In the credits two 'diamond bra handlers' were asking for the bra back, and she said it was hers to keep since she was wearing it- what were the going to do, take it off of her?
Damn shame the show ended about then..

'.. Must.. not.. get.. hands.. near.. her.. bra.. must.. find.. strength..'

If your girlfriend and you are watching The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show together, and the
only time she slaps the back of your head is when you suggest, based on her response to Justin Timberlake that she might like it if you shaved you head to a similar hairstyle as his, it's been a good night.