This woman will eventually rule the world (unless it would bore her).
Just get used to it.

You've seen her, even if you haven't realized where. I remember seeing her doing standup comedy on some show.. somewhere.. and thinking, 'damn, she's good.. hey, wait, she's also quite Hott'.
Then someone at the annoyingly-but-simply-named
E! network had the good sense to hire her to host Talk Soup a few years ago.

They must have liked her so much, they want
people to think she still hosts it, even though it went off the air, later to be replaced by
The Soup with the professionally-snarky-but non-Hott Joel McHale. But I digress.
(At this point I'll say, Yes, I know she hosted a 'reality' show called Fifth Wheel.
No, I won't provide any links to it. Everyone with her talent deserves a few free passes..)
Next thing I know, she's on
Friends, and despite finding the characters at times silly, I actually watched entire episodes of it for awhile.

When the much-much-more-professionally-snarky-than-Joel-McHale Craig Kilborn took a powder from
The Late Late Show on CBS, Craig Ferguson, Adam Carolla, Michael Ian Black, D.L. Hughley and Aisha all filled in for a week or two each as try-outs for the new host.
Craig Ferguson got the gig after Aisha turned it down
(!). I seem to recall a story quoting her as having 'too many irons in the fire' to commit the time a nightly network talk show would take. Don't get me wrong- I love Ferguson- who can be very snarky, and even in a way that never makes you realize he's being snarky; but there are reasons you'll never see
his picture in this blog, and you
are seeing Aisha's.
Next, she -
briefly - remember that word - turns up on both
24 AND

She was then announced to be a regular on Jennifer Love Hewitt's CBS series,
Ghost Whisperer. You'd think I'd be glued to the TV when it's on,
especially with my fondness for JLH in her undies and Aisha.. But, for some reason, I never got hooked on it. Too late; her character died at the end of last season, and, though I suspect she could've stayed on as a ghost, she 'crossed over' and
on the season premiere. Me thinks she becomes easily bored, no matter how much money and job security may be thrown in her direction.
You be the judge.Finally, a couple weekends ago, I'm channel-surfing and happen upon
Ebert & Roeper.I never know when the damn thing's on, but I love seeing them argue over what movies are out, and I'll always watch it to see what movies are worth seeing with my girlfriend. Lo and behold, since Roger Ebert's been out for a few weeks, there's the lovely and talented Ms. Tyler filling in as cohost, and not just to crack jokes and look Hott, but she's really seen the flicks and written some pretty professional reviews - and she even can argue her points rather entertainingly with Richard Roeper. Which should help her, since she'll be
in Kevin Bacon's next movie. Not that she hasn't had any
previous big screen experience. All this, and
she's a published author, too.
Here's a link to an interview she did with
Playboy. Don't panic (or get your hopes up)!
You'll see far more of her on this page than there, but you did get taste of her sense of humor. And this small part of the interview keeps it on-topic to this blog:
PB: Your bio states that you perform daily in front of your television in your underwear. What kind of underwear are you wearing?
AT: What am I wearing? Hmmm, I'd love to tell you something slinky and sexy, but usually it's an old T-shirt. OK, wait, let's say sometimes Victoria's Secret, but usually a T-shirt and briefs.
Which gives us an excuse to include these photos of the lovely Aisha from
2001 Maxim layout that I think she did while on Talk Soup:

If she ends up as President, those State of the Union addresses will look a lot more interesting (and be a lot funnier - intentionally).

Aisha - on the slim chance you're reading this: just remember if elected, you're in for at least four whole years..
Either way, here's to hoping her husband realizes he's a damn lucky man, no matter how much she uses him for stand-up material.
Lingerie underwear Aisha Tyler Hott bra panties briefs see through blouse legs Maxim Ghost Whisperer Friends Talk Soup